Yoga Foundations Program: Registration is open to all students, anyone wanting to expand and improve their own personal practice and deepen their knowledge of yoga and the body.
Coming in as beginner or an experienced practitioner, this dynamic program will support your education in yoga, fitness and health. You’ll be given the tools and techniques of yoga to harness your own transformative energy, through practices that build from a sound base up, providing the structure of a balanced lifestyle body-mind and human spirit.
The system and practices are not watered down, but based and grounded in the comprehensive and spiritual foundation of Yoga. This is an exceptional opportunity to learn, with master teachers. Sherri Baptiste has drawn together an exceptional cast of faculty to provide you with an eight month long, rich, exciting, full bodied program. The Baptiste Family is a unique lineage of teachers. Through her parents (Magana & Walt Baptiste) and their San Francisco based work, the lineage of the Baptiste Family in the fields of yoga, physical culture, health, fitness, spiritual retreats and dance dates back more than 80 years now in America’s (USA) History. The lineage is deeply rooted, mainstream and strong.
We are inspired by your drive, to take this next step forward. The energy for this training is vibrant, sophisticated and bright. Our community building for the program, will also be great, as we grow together towards this next step of personal development.
Yoga Teacher Certification with Baptiste Power of Yoga™ is available at 200 or 500 hour level
Those interested in participating in the Sherri Baptiste Mentoring Program, in addition to the Foundations Yoga Study Course held at Harmonia Wellness Center, may also register for this mentoring process with Sherri Baptiste as a supportive process to the Study- Training Course. You will receive registration into the Baptiste Power of Yoga Certified Teachers Registry, along with private mentoring guidance and support from Sherri Baptiste.
To register in this Baptiste Power of Yoga Teacher Mentoring Program please contact:
Baptiste Power of Yoga - Additional cost for the Sherri Baptiste Mentoring Program: fee is payable as follows: $275 at registration; $275 at the time of successful completion of the 200 or 500 hr course work - at time of receipt of certificate. In additional over the process of training, a min of 4 private (50 min) sessions with Sherri Baptiste scheduled over the months of study at $150 per session are also required to become a Certified Baptiste Power of Yoga Teacher.
Additional training costs include:
Attendance of training modules at Harmonia Wellness Center - Social Club
(Foundations Yoga Study Course list for 2017).
Purchase of books/materials associated with Harmonia Sausalito training.
Attendance of at least one Baptiste Yoga Retreat 2017
* This is required for Baptiste Power of Yoga Teacher Certifications.
Individual Modules of Training are priced separately for the Foundations Study 2017 program at Harmonia.
Books are not included.
More info upon request. To register in this Yoga Teacher Certification Program please contact:
Baptiste Power of Yoga
Join Sherri Baptiste for this Yoga Study Program.
See links above for more information.
Be sure to register - Workshops begin May 19, 2017!
ANATOMY: Includes both human physical anatomy and physiology (bodily systems, organs, etc.) and energy subtle body anatomy and physiology. Includes both the study of the subject and application of its principles to yoga practice (benefits, contraindications, healthy movement patterns, etc).
- Practical Yoga Anatomy: Steve Katz DC
- Yoga Anatomy of Movement: Steve Katz DC
- Anatomy of the Subtle Body: Jill Abelson
SEQUENCING POSTURES & TECHNIQUES: Key elements of analytical training and experiential guided practice of the techniques themselves.
- Power of Yoga Flow: Sherri Baptiste
- Subtle Body Koshas: Jill Abelson
- The Deeper Holds of Yoga: Walter Hurd
- Restorative Hatha Yoga: Laurie Famera
- Yoga for Seniors: Jane Rivera
TECHNIQUES: Foundation, structure, basic and essential training in yoga philosophy, history, postures, meditation are established in this section.
- Inner Practices of Yoga: Michele Hebert
- Meditation, Inner Practices & Yoga Nidra: Richard Miller PhD, Michele Hebert
- Full Moon Meditation: Sherri Baptiste
- Sanskrit The Language of Yoga 101 Training: Josh Michaells
- Joy of Chanting: Gina Salá & Concert with Jai Uttal
- Chakra Journey with Posture Flow: Sherri Baptiste
SCIENCE OF BREATH: The anatomy and physiology of breath, the yogic theory of breath and prana, Practicum on key yogic breathing techniques and benefits. Meditation is integral in Yoga training with techniques to elicit relaxation, concentration, observance and release into meditative state.
- Pranayama/Breath Work: Richard Miller Ph.D.
- Practical Yoga Breathing: Sherri Baptiste
HISTORY PHILOSOPHY: Includes the study of yoga philosophies, yoga lifestyle, and character ethics from the yoga perspective and for teachers.
- Philosophy/History: Kate Vogt
- Yoga Text, Karma, and Poetry: Ravi Nathwani
- Yoga’s History and Arrival in America: Phil Goldberg
PRACTICUM & METHODOLOGY: Principles of personal practice, demonstration, observation, assisting/correcting, instruction, teaching styles, qualities of a participant and teacher; the student’s process of learning yoga.
- Practicum and Methodology: Sherri Baptiste & Allison Berardi
- The Business of Teaching Yoga: Allison Berardi & Sherri Baptiste
- Social Networking Business Skills for Entrepreneurs: Pat Baily
Yoga Study Program - Optional Mentoring ‘Yoga Teacher Certification’ 200 hr (and 500hr)
To Register: Call Allison Berardi - 415 332-1432
Contact Harmonia Wellness Center at to register for workshops Allison Berardi and/or Baptiste Power of Yoga
Harmonia Wellness Center
Sausalito, CA
(10 min North of San Francisco)
Harmonia Wellness Center/Social Club is a facility dedicated on every level to helping its clientele achieve the very best of wellbeing for body, mind and spirit. Harmonia offers a studio experience that elevates your practice and your studies. This Historic: Plant Record Recording Studio, sits across from Sausalito’s Bay Model with its members and staff dedicated to the very best of community events, education, yoga health and fitness....and fun.
Yoga Foundations Program Registration: May – November, 2017 Sessions
- $3,495 Regular
- $2,995 Early Bird (before 5/11/17)
- $2,895 Harmonia Members & Baptiste Registered – Continuing Studies YTT Group (before 5/1/17)
- A payment plan may be arranged. Speak with Allison Berardi for details
Additional: Sherri Baptiste mentoring and ‘Baptiste Power of Yoga Teacher Certification’ are also available. Please request more information.
Please in addition also Email: Sherri Baptiste @ Baptiste Power of Yoga
Click here for the application form
Registration Guidelines
Incomplete applications will not be considered
* Please note that 87-90% attendance is required to receive a ‘Certificate Completion’ or ‘Yoga Teacher Certification’. We do however understand that sometime a workshop or weekend, may be missed. In this case and to support your successful study, there is a tutorial program in place to help you fulfill the requirements and stay on track with training. A separate tutorial fee, is paid directly to Kate Vogt, and is not included in this program.
Program Director: Sherri Baptiste is an inspirational yoga teacher at the forefront of training in America. She is the daughter of America’s yoga pioneers and master teachers Magana and Walt Baptiste. A member of the International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT), Sherri’s teacher -training certification and continuing education programs 200 hr and 500 hr are recognized by Yoga Alliance at the highest designated levels of E-RYT 500. She is also recognized by the International Yoga Federation as an honorary member of the World Yoga Council. Founder of Baptiste Power of Yoga™ she is the Author of Yoga with Weights for Dummies also Co-Author of Yoga All in One for Dummies. She serves as a Conference Presenter nationally and internationally, as her teacher training programs provide an empowering, peaceful oasis in a hurried world, a place where students can find within themselves the tools and knowledge to support and maintain a happier, healthier lifestyle.